Makara Lagna


The native with Capricorn lagna has a life of activities and rewards that is based upon their previous karmas. Capricorn is the natural 10th house of the zodiac, the house of greatest activity as well as the most powerful house. But Capricorn is an even sign, meaning its nature is receptive, not initiative. This is because Capricorn is receptive to the effects of the actions taken previously, and the accumulation of previous actions is the most powerful activating force there is. The native with Capricorn lagna has a sense of responsibility towards their actions that may cause them a lot of worry, attachment and suffering because they have a tendency to feel immediately responsible for something that is far more powerful than any momentary use of their will. They will always fall short of their expectations and suffer from insecurities as long as they see themselves as the doer and responsible right now for what is. On the other hand if they are performing well, they may attach and identify with the results of their works and this may give rise to pride, but then the lagna lord Saturn will force them humbly to their knees. It is detachment from the fruits of their works that is their key to happiness. The fruits are not only the material rewards, but also the reward of what others think about them for their actions, and what the native thinks about themselves due to their actions.
The evolutionary goal is to develop the opposing qualities of Cancer. While being detached, the Capricorn native must feel, and be sensitive. They must learn to change as their needs and feelings require, and not just change to meet the needs of one's duty. Most importantly they must learn how expectations that their inner needs be met by externals creates unhappiness, and that they must fulfill these needs within themselves. Partnerships will be with those much more overtly sensitive and emotional, or with those that bring the native's feelings to their attention. Relationships very much serve to make them aware of their sensitivity and needs.

Present time RAHU AND KETU

KETU IN THE 6TH HOUSE, RAHU IN THE 12TH HOUSE: Ketu in the 6th indicates a native who believes that happiness and security can come from overcoming the difficulties the world offers through effort and human intelligence, and that worthy success comes from making appropriate efforts. Rahu in the 12th house breeds a growing discontent with all worldly activity and the desire to become free from duties and works. This is a result of not gaining the expected happiness through the efforts indicated by Ketu.
Rahu indicates that the native is becoming free of their works and material concerns and desires freedom from worldly struggles. For this to happen work must be completed as indicated by Ketu's placement in the 6th house, and the native must become free from the attachment of how their efforts may improve their life. Ideally this produces a karma yogi; the native does his work with detachment, with no thoughts for the fruits, but performs his activities so that he may become free from them. If the native does not look upon their duties in a manner similar to this, then eventually discontent will set in and escapist activities will be pursued. These escapist activities are generally the pursuit of addictions, sex, or excessive expense.

KETU IN GEMINI, RAHU IN SAGITTARIUS: Ketu in Gemini indicates a native who in recent past lives has created security through the use of their intellect. Through experimentation, study, and thought the native has managed to create a paradigm that allows for life to take place in a safe and secure manner. In this lifetime, Ketu causes the native to experience doubts about what exactly they know. When confronted by information that is contrary to what they believe they know, there is initial resistance, as new information is threatening to their security paradigm. After some time to think, however, they experience doubts about their knowledge, or understanding, that creates an identity crisis over what they know. They eventual result of this is a deepening of their knowledge, but also the understanding that they have learned so much that all they know for sure is that they do not know anything.
Rahu in Sagittarius indicates that the native must define a belief system or philosophy that takes care of those areas that they are unable to understand, or create rationality for. The doubting of their information, through Ketu, forces them to develop faith, and intuition through Rahu. The doubting of their information indicated by Ketu in Gemini also forces them to accept the information given by others, or teachers, indicated by Rahu in Sagittarius. However, as long as they doubt their own information, there will be a corresponding doubt of others' information as well. The key is do develop the faith and understanding that allows them to believe that, though, they will never know everything, they will know what they need to fulfill their role at a given moment.
Ketu in Gemini generally suffers from indecisiveness. This is a result of Ketu waiting for that last bit of information to close the case, but the last bit never comes, there is always room for doubt, in fact it is the nature of the intellectual mind to doubt. In the end they must learn to act on faith, the need for which is indicated by Rahu in Sagittarius.

KETU/MOON: The influence of Ketu on the Moon (with rasi aspect) indicates a deeper, probing, mentality that generally suffers discontentment in the world. When Ketu influences the Moon, the mentality is not so superficial as to be able to simply enjoy the pleasures of the world. The mind is always looking deeper, beneath the surface, and thus there is always a nagging discontent and questioning. This creates an introverted mindset, which in a spiritual nativity is conducive to spiritual practices. In other nativities, this may cause introversions and frustrations that may have violent or explosive eruptions. Generally it is found that natives with Ketu influencing the Moon have an interest in psychology.
Another noticeable trait of Ketu's influence to the Moon is to make the native very emotionally controlled and rigid. When they are in a negative mood, there is not a lot anyone can do to cheer them up, they pretty much have to suffer through the mood, after which they will get up feeling just fine. In fact the depths of their moods rarely correlate to what brought the mood upon them. There will usually be associated sub-conscious and past life feelings stirred up by that which triggers the mood. After the mood, the native will appear as balanced and controlled as usual, but one of the reasons the moods are so severe is that the natives do not flow with, and reveal, their feelings, until a buildup has occurred, and then the deep mood. These natives also have an ability to cheer anyone out of a mood; this is due to their ability to not let any feelings come through except those that they want to reveal.
In recent past lives, those with Ketu influencing the Moon have established a level of security and safety in the world by controlling their reactions to the many painful things in life. Controlling is one thing, feeling is another, so there is usually some pent-up pain in the native that is released when a mood is triggered. The developmental goal is to purge the mind from subconscious pain, remorse, regret, etc. and to develop a spiritualized mentality that truly remains at peace amidst the varying conditions and reactions of life, rather than a mentality that controls the feelings and reactions.

KETU/SATURN: The influence of Ketu on Saturn (with rasi aspect) indicates a nativity that has experienced security as a result of being an authority in some manner or field. In this life, Ketu's goal is to free the native from the need of being an authority figure in order to feel secure. Ketu does this through confrontations with those that cause the native to doubt their capacity as an authority figure. These doubts result in the native having the only choice of learning to be happy and secure without being an authority figure.

RAHU/MOON: The influence of Rahu on the Moon (with rasi aspect) results in some weakness in the mind that is in need of strengthening. This is generally the result of the mind not being centered in the heart, instead being centered externally or remaining unfocused. When the mind is centered externally there is discontent and depression that comes from the lack of fulfillment the world has to offer. When the mind remains unfocused there is a higher degree of psychic disorders, and/or a lack of clarity and concentration. Rahu influencing the Moon may give heightened psychic sensitivity but usually this is also accompanied by a weakness that make the native more sensitive to psychic disorders.
Other weakness of the mind caused by Rahu may be various types of mental derangement, but for any serious difficulties other malefic influences must also be indicated. In the horoscopes of natives with strong spiritual tendencies, Rahu influencing the Moon may give strong attunement.
The discontent that Rahu casts upon the Moon is also a cause of addictions. Addictions also serve to make the mind unfocused, which results again in psychic disorders. Rahu may also give a tendency to live in the imagination, in the realm of fantasy, wishes and hopes, which ultimately lead to discontent and depression because in the end the native still lives in the real world.
In female natives the conjunction of the Moon with Rahu creates a strong feminine magnetism, and a strong emotional transparency that is attractive to men. However, the woman herself feels ungrounded and insecure and is usually not emotionally healthy enough to enjoy a relationship.
The need for the native, when Rahu is influencing the Moon is to learn to keep the mind anchored in the heart, the one place of true satisfaction for it. With natives having spiritual tendencies this is an eventual possibility.

RAHU/SATURN: The influence of Rahu on Saturn (with rasi aspect) indicates a native that has difficulty in developing and maintaining security and stability. Those things the native feels attached to, or hopes to acquire security through are often taken away. Outer instability generally results in nerve-wracking conditions, and there is generally some inner instability and tension that makes the experiences of life less enjoyable. The only thing the native can really do to combat this is develop a dispassionate and detached mentality, which is particularly hard for them.
Rahu influencing Saturn also generally indicates a lack of consistent, long-term focus in life. The native will usually have a happier life once they are focused and secure in their path.
Rahu and Saturn are both separating influences, the house that they are both influencing will usually be an area where the native experiences complete or lengthy separations.

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