All planets aspect the 7th house from them. For example, Sun in Ta aspects Sc. Mars in Ge aspects Sg. Moon in Le aspects Aq. Jupiter in Pi aspects Vi. Saturn in Cp aspects Cn. Find the 7th house from the planet and the planet aspects that house.
In addition, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn have special aspects:
· Jupiter aspects the 5th and 9th houses from him, in addition to the 7th house.
· Mars aspects the 4th and 8th houses from him, in addition to the 7th house.
· Saturn aspects the 3rd and 10th houses from him, in addition to the 7th house.
We can decide the signs and houses aspected by a planet as above. If any planet occupies the aspected houses, then the planet is also aspected. For example, Jupiter in Ta will aspect Saturn in Cp, because Cp is the 9th house from Ta and Jupiter aspects the 9th from him.