Ashwin Yogas In Birth Chart

Sankha "conch shell" Yoga

The 5th and 6th lords in mutual angles, and the lagna lord strong.
"One will be endowed with wealth, spouse, sons, and land. Having a life of enjoyment, one is also kindly disposed, compassionate, propitious, intelligent, meritorious, beneficent, and long-lived. One has knowledge of the sacred scriptures, is well conducted, and may live one year after the tale of eighty is completed. One has the authority to discipline or to punish."

The Sankha Yoga formed by the first condition of the 5th and 6th lords in mutual angles supports self-employment or authority and rids the native of performing service. It also indicates a healer or doctor very capable of removing disease in the event that other factors in the horoscope indicate a healer.

Asubha "inauspicious" Yoga

A malefic in the lagna.
"One will be sensuous, will do sinful acts, and will swallow others' wealth."

A malefic in the lagna indicates immediate difficulties and suffering, as well as harm to the body and health. The houses the planet rules indicate those things that directly harm or hamper the desires, physical well-being and confidence of the native right from birth. Any yogas that the malefic may form create stress and difficulty to the native and harm their health. Even if the malefic is forming a yoga for success, it will still harm and stress the native himself.

Budha Aditya "Mercury/Sun" Yoga

Mercury conjunct the Sun.
"One is highly intelligent, skillful, of good reputation, personal respect and surrounded by comforts and happiness."

This is a simple and common yet important yoga. The house that the Sun and Mercury both fall in will be an area where the native will make progress through their skill, intelligence, productivity, and practicality. If Mercury is combust this yoga will still indicate skill, intelligence, etc., however, the results of a combust planet's avastha, Kopa- angry, will cause frustration to the house these planets fall in as well as to the houses that Mercury rules, so the happiness will be marred.

Chandra Mangala "Moon/Mars" Yoga

The Moon conjunct Mars.
"One deals with drinks, earthen jars, crude instruments and women. He is disobedient with this mother. Goddess Lakshmi will never desert him, just as modesty does not leave a noble woman of any good family."

Chandra Mangala Yoga is particularly noted for giving wealth and a capable commercial ability. The association of Mars with the Moon indicates some lack of mental peace due to one's outlook on life being strongly conditioned by one's preconceived ideas and concepts. This causes the native to become angry and frustrated when life manifests in a manner contrary to how they think things should be. This yoga can give wealth, but it often does so through the dealing of that which people desire and those things that do nothing to benefit humanity. Mars, being a planet of strong opinions, joined with the Moon, the karaka for the mother, indicates that the native and their mother will have different views on some things, creating a potential for conflict.

Kapata "deceit" Yoga

A malefic in the 4th, and the 4th lord under malefic influence or hemmed by malefics.
"One will be a hypocrite."

Natives with Kapata Yoga are not all that they appear to be. The 4th house is a hidden house and malefics influences to it indicate negative thoughts, emotions, feelings and actions that at first may be difficult to discern, but that with time are discovered. Oftentimes these natives hide things from themselves first, and, as a consequence, secondarily to others, particularly female natives with this yoga. If this yoga is very severe it can indicate a native who is very disturbed and who as a result commits atrocities, while the average case of this yoga simply hides minor actions that would cause embarrassment, are not socially acceptable, or that are simply not considered good conduct. The Sun is a very weak malefic for this yoga, since the Sun is a noble planet. Rahu and Saturn indicate the worst type of deceit and negative thinking, while Mars and Ketu are middling in their deceit, though they can indicate hidden violent tendencies. This is a yoga that requires careful scrutiny as it can indicate a wide range of hidden negative actions.


Kemadruma Yoga

If Anapha, Sunapha or Durudhara Yogas are not present, Kemadruma Yoga is formed.
"One born in Kemadruma Yoga, though born in a princely race, becomes obscure, inimically disposed, miserable, reproached; and bereft of intelligence and learning. Given to base ways and wickedly inclined, one falls from his religion. One is reduced to penury and perils, drudging as a menial and wandering, as well as being deprived of livelihood, wife, children, residence, robes, friends, food and drink. The native will suffer extreme difficulties, sickness and filthiness."

Kemadruma Yogas are amongst the worse yogas that ruin a horoscope, making it difficult for the native to actualize anything of benefit in their lives. Amongst Kemadruma Yogas this one is perhaps the worst and one of the two of greatest importance. The Moon is a very fickle and unsteady planet that rules the mind. It is important that a planet besides the Sun, Rahu or Ketu is in the 2nd or 12th from the Moon in order to lend some firmness, stability and direction to the mind, which is necessary in order for the native to succeed with any vision that they may have. Failing this, the mind remains unanchored and becomes a source of trouble. Fortunately there are several factors that cancel this terrible form of Kemadruma Yoga, which are being given in order of significance:

A planet, other than the Sun, Rahu or Ketu in an angle (including the 1st) from the Moon.
This is the most significant Kemadruma Yoga cancellation. The planet on an angle from the Moon serves to stabilize and focus the mind. A planet in the 4th or 10th from the Moon does this particularly and is the next best thing to having a planet in the 2nd or 12th. In fact similar effects as Anapha, Sunapha and Durudhara Yogas are said to occur if the 4th and 10th houses from the Moon are occupied by any of Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus or Saturn, and some astrologers actually consider these yogas to be formed by planets in the 4th and 10th from the Moon, though they are not considered authoritative. These planets in the 4th and 10th house from the Moon will influence the native less than when in the 2nd and 12th from the Moon, but if there are none of these planets in the 2nd or 12th from the Moon, then any of these planets in the 4th or 10th become very significant and important.
In all cases when there is Kemadruma Yoga and its cancellation, it is not as beneficial as having one of Anapha, Sunapha or Durudhara Yoga. When one of these yogas is present the native maintains poise and equilibrium when confronted by new experiences, the Lunar Yoga forming planets in the 2nd and 12th from the Moon ground and stabilize the native. When there are no planets in the 2nd and 12th from the Moon the native has nothing solid to react upon when confronted by new experiences and it takes them a moment to get centered. In this case, if the resulting Kemadruma Yoga is cancelled, the planets canceling the Kemadruma Yoga are what the native relies upon in order to catch their balance. The norm and average is for Anapha, Sunapha or Durudhara Yoga not to be present, but for the resulting Kemadruma Yoga to be cancelled. When Anapha, Sunapha or Durudhara Yogas are found, consider them to be a benefit to the horoscope.

A planet, other than the Sun, Rahu or Ketu, in the 2nd or 12th rasi from the rasi of the Moon's navamsa.
As an example, if the Moon is in the navamsa of Aries, one of Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus or Saturn in Pisces or Taurus in the Rasi would cancel Kemadruma Yoga. Some sources actually consider the planets in the 2nd and 12th rasi from the Moon's navamsa to form Anapha, Sunapha and Durudhara Yogas. These planets will, however, give somewhat lesser Lunar Yoga effects than planets that are actually placed in the 2nd and 12th from the Moon.
In all cases when there is Kemadruma Yoga and its cancellation, it is not as beneficial as having one of Anapha, Sunapha or Durudhara Yoga. When one of these yogas is present the native maintains poise and equilibrium when confronted by new experiences, the Lunar Yoga forming planets in the 2nd and 12th from the Moon ground and stabilize the native. When there are no planets in the 2nd and 12th from the Moon the native has nothing solid to react upon when confronted by new experiences and it takes them a moment to get centered. In this case, if the resulting Kemadruma Yoga is cancelled, the planets canceling the Kemadruma Yoga are what the native relies upon in order to catch their balance. The norm and average is for Anapha, Sunapha or Durudhara Yoga not to be present, but for the resulting Kemadruma Yoga to be cancelled. When Anapha, Sunapha or Durudhara Yogas are found, consider them to be a benefit to the horoscope.

Any planet, other than Rahu or Ketu, on an angle from the lagna.
Any planet on an angle serves to focus and direct the native; therefore, these planets can avert the troublesome effects of Kemadruma Yoga. Mentally, however, the native will be somewhat fickle and unfocused.
In all cases when there is Kemadruma Yoga and its cancellation, it is not as beneficial as having one of Anapha, Sunapha or Durudhara Yoga. When one of these yogas is present the native maintains poise and equilibrium when confronted by new experiences, the Lunar Yoga forming planets in the 2nd and 12th from the Moon ground and stabilize the native. When there are no planets in the 2nd and 12th from the Moon the native has nothing solid to react upon when confronted by new experiences and it takes them a moment to get centered. In this case, if the resulting Kemadruma Yoga is cancelled, the planets canceling the Kemadruma Yoga are what the native relies upon in order to catch their balance. The norm and average is for Anapha, Sunapha or Durudhara Yoga not to be present, but for the resulting Kemadruma Yoga to be cancelled. When Anapha, Sunapha or Durudhara Yogas are found, consider them to be a benefit to the horoscope.

Sama "mediocre" Yoga

The Moon in a panaphara (2nd, 5th, 8th or 11th house) from the Sun.
The native's wealth, intelligence, knowledge, and skill shall be middling.
These are important yogas that must be used correctly or else they will be misleading. A casual observation of only a few horoscopes will reveal that there are wealthy, intelligent, and knowledgeable personages with the Moon in an angle from the Sun, and those of lesser abilities and wealth born with the Moon in an apoklima from the Sun. These yogas obviously, therefore, do not impose a restriction upon the native's wealth or intelligence. The Moon gives growth of all things and the light of the Moon is dependent upon the Sun, therefore, the growth and realization of any productive yoga, whether one that grants success, wealth, marriage, children, or anything else, is dependent upon the Moon's placement from the Sun, which indicates the level of preparedness with which the native meets the fructification of a productive yoga. These three yogas are not meant to indicate the full measure of the native's wealth, intelligence and skill, but only to indicate the measure of wealth, intelligence and skill the native has upon the initiation of a productive yoga with which to bring the results of the yoga to fruition.
When Sama Yoga (mediocre yoga) is present the Moon is in a panaphara from the Sun. Panapharas represent receptivity of an activity. Therefore, in horoscope with the Moon in a panaphara from the Sun, the native is relatively well prepared to be receptive to what is to transpire upon the fruition of a good yoga. The results being they are relatively well prepared and have a reasonable amount of the resourcefulness, education and skillfulness required upon the initiation of a good yoga to smoothly bring things to fruition.

Following are a few important yogas from the book Core Yogas that Kala is not smart enough to find yet, but which are well worth checking for manually:
Kalpadruma "tree of plenty" Yoga
The lagna lord, its dispositor, the dispositor of that, and the navamsa lord of the last must be in an angle, trine, own rasi or exaltation rasi.
"One will be a pious, strong, and merciful king endowed with all kinds of wealth, and fond of war."

This yoga further illustrates the concept of dispositors, including the navamsa dispositor. The more times a dispositor of a dispositor is well placed, the more auspicious the original planet in question becomes. Kalpadruma yoga, like Parijatha Yoga, helps the native to fulfill every desire.

Parijatha "celestial coral tree" Yoga

The dispositor of the lord of the lagna lord, and the navamsa lord of that dispositor, must be in an angle, trine, own rasi or exaltation rasi.
"One will be a sovereign attentive to their duty and engagements, of compassionate disposition, destined to be happy in the middle and latter portion of life, respected and obeyed by other kings, fond of war, and possessing elephants and horses."

The Parijatha is a celestial tree that has the power to grant wishes. This yoga, therefore, helps the native to fulfill every desire. This yoga emphasizes the importance of the navamsa dispositor of a planet, which is just as important as its rasi dispositor.

Ashwin Rahu and Ketu with Lagana

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