The Four Major Mathematical Points of the Zodiac
In Astronomy the Eastern Horizon is called the Ascendant. 180 degrees from it is the Western Horizon called as the Descendant. The intersecting point where the Ecliptic cuts the Celestial Meridien is called the Meridian Cusp (M.C.) and 180 degrees from it is called the Imum Coeli (I.C.).
The Computation of Houses
First the longitude of the Ascendant is calculated by using the following formula:
Tan L = Sin E / (Cos E * Cos w - Sin w * Tan A)
…where L is the Ascendant, E is the Right Ascension of East Point , w the Sun's maximum declination and A - the latitude of the place.
Once the Ascending degree is known, 180 degrees is subtracted to get the Descendant.
The MC is calculated by using the following formula:
Tan K = Tan R / cos w
…where is the longitude of the MC, R the Right Ascension of the Meridien Cusp and w the Sun's maximum declination.
180 degrees deducted from the MC is the longitude of the IC.
These 4 are the Four Houses of the Zodiac. Ascendant is the 1st House, IC the Fourth, Descendant the Seventh and MC, the tenth.
We have said that each sign of the Zodiac is 30 degrees each. If the Ascending Degree is Pisces, then the Ascendant is Pisces, the IC is Gemini, the Descendant is Virgo and the MC, Sagittarius.
Rulership of Signs
Aries - Mars
Taurus - Venus
Gemini - Mercury
Cancer - Moon
Leo - Sun
Virgo - Mercury
Libra - Venus
Scorpio - Mars
Sagittarius - Jupiter
Capricorn - Saturn
Aquarius - Saturn
Pisces - Jupiter
Equal House Division or Bhava Theory
Now, we have got the longitudes of the Ascendant (Udaya Lagna) , the Descendant (Astha Lagna), the MC (Madhya Lagna) & the IC (Patala Lagna).
The distance from the Ascendant and the IC is divided by 3 and we have the first Three Houses.
The distance from the IC and the Descendant is divided by 3 and we have the 4th,5th and 6th houses.
The distance from the Descendant and MC is divided by 3 and we have the 7,8th and 9th houses.
The distance from the MC and Ascendant is divided by 3 and we have the 10,11 and 12th houses.
The Houses of the Zodiac and what they represent
First House Signifies Personality and Fame
Third House Signifies Younger coborns, valour
Fourth House Signifies Houses, conveyances
Fifth House Signifies Progeny, divine merit
Sixth House Signifies Enemies, debts
Seventh House Signifies Life Partner
Ninth House Signifies Fortune, father, Guru
Tenth House Signifies Profession